Friday, March 4, 2022

Rogues Chapter Nine Hasting Farmers Market -Luc the French Baker

The chapter tells the story of how Billy the Irish man established Hastings Farmers Market marketplace and witnessed it develop  beyond his hopes.  It is a multi-cultural gathering of extraordinary people.

In this story of Chapter 9, Luc, the French Baker, shares his story of coming to Barbados and setting up his bakery. He produces some of the best french bread you will find anywhere- My favorite is his sourdough.

Luc is not alone, there are about a dozen artisans who liven-up the day with their own colourful experiences. It is a mini-United Nations with artisans who are Bajan, French, Britsih and others mingling with visitors from everywhere.

Hastings Market stands just off the South Coast Boardwalk, a favourite place to stroll along the seashore. People amble, jog, stop to stare, or run along for their daily workout. In the center of the boardwalk is the bandstand. From there, and on either side, one can see the bright pink Santa Neta apartments, the ArtSplash Learning Center, a patio cafe, and the Hastings market.

 Rogues Chapter #9 Hasting Market -Luc the French Baker

Barbados Markets

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