Sunday, September 8, 2024

Would you take an easy $1 million, or a penny that doubles everyday for a month?

If I offered you a million dollars today or a penny that doubles every day for a month, which would you choose?

While the allure of a quick and easy $1 million might seem irresistible, the magic of compounding—The penny approach—Surpasses it by the end of the month.

By the end of 30 days, that single penny would have turned into over $10 MILLION.

This illustrates a powerful principle in wealth creation: True wealth is built gradually—not overnight.

Proverbs sums this up beautifully:

“Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.”

—Proverbs 13:11

In our culture of instant gratification, it’s easy to fall for the temptation of 'get rich quick' schemes.

We hear stories all the time about lucky lottery winners, crypto traders making a killing, or startups that explode overnight.

Over time, these stories capture our imagination and fuel the belief that maybe wealth can come with the snap of a finger.

The reality, though?

These ‘get-rich-quick’ schemes almost NEVER work.

For every overnight success story, there are millions of untold stories of people who lost EVERYTHING in pursuit of a quick win.

The media might not find these stories glamorous enough to headline, but they are far more common and serve as a serious reminder of the risks involved.

And for the 0.000001% that do strike a home run, those quick gains are often followed by equally quick losses.

Think about it:

  • How many times have you heard of lottery winners who end up bankrupt?

  • Or the amateur investors who gamble on the stock market only to lose everything in a downturn?

Sure…The excitement of a quick buck is undeniable, but the consequences can be devastating.

Building lasting wealth, on the other hand, is a slow and steady process.

It involves setting clear financial goals, making consistent investments, and having the patience to see long-term plans through.

It's about the slow accumulation of assets that can provide security and prosperity for a lifetime (and beyond).

This same principle applies whether you’re growing a business, advancing in your career, or learning a new skill.

Success in these areas also isn't about finding a shortcut; it's about the power of consistent, cumulative effort.

For example, will your phone suddenly start blowing up with Shopify notifications the second you hit ‘launch’ on your online store? ๐Ÿ‘‡



But can you eventually build a 7 to 8-figure brand after continuous trial, error, time, energy, and effort?

100% YES.

This gradual, long-term approach isn't glamorous.

It isn’t ‘sexy’.

It doesn't make headlines.

But it does build empires and create lasting legacies.

So, as we ponder our goals—Whether financial, professional, or personal—Let’s not be swayed by the illusion of quick success.

Instead, let’s commit to the path of gradual, consistent growth.

To apply this approach, ask yourself:

  • What small step can I take today towards my long-term goal?Whether that’s investing $5 or reaching out to a potential client, choose one actionable task you can complete today that will move you closer to your overall objective.
  • How can I make my efforts more consistent?—Maybe that means blocking out a specific time on your calendar each week to focus solely on your goal. As I always say, if it isn’t in my calendar, it DOESN’T EXIST!
  • What resources or support do I need to sustain my efforts over time?—Think about what tools, knowledge, or people could help you maintain your commitment and increase your chances of long-term success.

To your success,


David Asarnow

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